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Hands on with ChEMBL API

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ChEMBL is a large-scale bioactivity database that collects information on the interactions between small molecules (such as drugs, compounds, or substances) and their biological targets. It stands for “Chemical Biology Database” and is maintained by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).

Researchers can use ChEMBL to search for specific compounds, investigate their interactions with biological targets (such as enzymes, receptors, or ion channels), and analyze bioactivity data to identify potential drug candidates or understand the mechanisms of action for existing drugs. Additionally, ChEMBL provides tools and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for accessing and querying the database programmatically, enabling integration with other bioinformatics and cheminformatics workflows.

import math
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from rdkit.Chem import PandasTools
!pip install chembl-webresource-client
from chembl_webresource_client.new_client import new_client
from import tqdm
DATA = Path.cwd() / 'data'

resource objects for API access.

targets_api =
compounds_api = new_client.molecule
bioactivities_api = new_client.activity

Get target data (EGFR kinase: UniProtID : P00533)¶

uniprot_id = "P00533"

# Get target information from ChEMBL for specified values only
targets = targets_api.get(target_components__accession=uniprot_id).only(
    "target_chembl_id", "organism", "pref_name", "target_type"
print(f'The type of the targets is "{type(targets)}"')
The type of the targets is "<class 'chembl_webresource_client.query_set.QuerySet'>"
targets = pd.DataFrame.from_records(targets)

organism pref_name target_chembl_id target_type
0 Homo sapiens Epidermal growth factor receptor erbB1 CHEMBL203 SINGLE PROTEIN
1 Homo sapiens Epidermal growth factor receptor erbB1 CHEMBL203 SINGLE PROTEIN
2 Homo sapiens Epidermal growth factor receptor and ErbB2 (HE... CHEMBL2111431 PROTEIN FAMILY
3 Homo sapiens Epidermal growth factor receptor CHEMBL2363049 PROTEIN FAMILY
4 Homo sapiens MER intracellular domain/EGFR extracellular do... CHEMBL3137284 CHIMERIC PROTEIN
5 Homo sapiens Protein cereblon/Epidermal growth factor receptor CHEMBL4523680 PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTION
8 Homo sapiens Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 2/Ep... CHEMBL4802031 PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTION

Restrict to first entry as our target of iterest

chembl_id = targets.iloc[0].target_chembl_id

Fetch bioactivty data for the target_chembl_id : CHEMBL_203

# fetch the bioactivity data and filter it to only human proteins, IC50, exact measurement, binding data

bioactivities = bioactivities_api.filter(target_chembl_id=chembl_id, type="IC50", relation="=", assay_type="B").only(

print(f"Length and type of bioactivities object: {len(bioactivities)}, {type(bioactivities)}")
Length and type of bioactivities object: 10420, <class 'chembl_webresource_client.query_set.QuerySet'>
# Whats in here, look at first entry

{'activity_id': 32260,
 'assay_chembl_id': 'CHEMBL674637',
 'assay_description': 'Inhibitory activity towards tyrosine phosphorylation for the epidermal growth factor-receptor kinase',
 'assay_type': 'B',
 'molecule_chembl_id': 'CHEMBL68920',
 'relation': '=',
 'standard_units': 'nM',
 'standard_value': '41.0',
 'target_chembl_id': 'CHEMBL203',
 'target_organism': 'Homo sapiens',
 'type': 'IC50',
 'units': 'uM',
 'value': '0.041'}
# Download into a data frame
bioactivities_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(bioactivities)
print(f"DataFrame shape: {bioactivities_df.shape}")
DataFrame shape: (10420, 13)

activity_id assay_chembl_id assay_description assay_type molecule_chembl_id relation standard_units standard_value target_chembl_id target_organism type units value
0 32260 CHEMBL674637 Inhibitory activity towards tyrosine phosphory... B CHEMBL68920 = nM 41.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50 uM 0.041
1 32267 CHEMBL674637 Inhibitory activity towards tyrosine phosphory... B CHEMBL69960 = nM 170.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50 uM 0.17
2 32680 CHEMBL677833 In vitro inhibition of Epidermal growth factor... B CHEMBL137635 = nM 9300.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50 uM 9.3
3 32770 CHEMBL674643 Inhibitory concentration of EGF dependent auto... B CHEMBL306988 = nM 500000.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50 uM 500.0
4 32772 CHEMBL674643 Inhibitory concentration of EGF dependent auto... B CHEMBL66879 = nM 3000000.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50 uM 3000.0
# units has different values
array(['uM', 'nM', 'pM', 'M', "10'3 uM", "10'1 ug/ml", 'ug ml-1',
       "10'-1microM", "10'1 uM", "10'-1 ug/ml", "10'-2 ug/ml", "10'2 uM",
       "10'-3 ug/ml", "10'-2microM", '/uM', "10'-6g/ml", 'mM', 'umol/L',
       'nmol/L', "10'-10M", "10'-7M", 'nmol', '10^-8M', 'µM'],
# drop 
bioactivities_df.drop(["units", "value"], axis=1, inplace=True)

activity_id assay_chembl_id assay_description assay_type molecule_chembl_id relation standard_units standard_value target_chembl_id target_organism type
0 32260 CHEMBL674637 Inhibitory activity towards tyrosine phosphory... B CHEMBL68920 = nM 41.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
1 32267 CHEMBL674637 Inhibitory activity towards tyrosine phosphory... B CHEMBL69960 = nM 170.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
2 32680 CHEMBL677833 In vitro inhibition of Epidermal growth factor... B CHEMBL137635 = nM 9300.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
3 32770 CHEMBL674643 Inhibitory concentration of EGF dependent auto... B CHEMBL306988 = nM 500000.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
4 32772 CHEMBL674643 Inhibitory concentration of EGF dependent auto... B CHEMBL66879 = nM 3000000.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
activity_id            int64
assay_chembl_id       object
assay_description     object
assay_type            object
molecule_chembl_id    object
relation              object
standard_units        object
standard_value        object
target_chembl_id      object
target_organism       object
type                  object
dtype: object
bioactivities_df = bioactivities_df.astype({"standard_value": "float64"})

Data cleaning

  1. Delete missing entries
  2. Keep only entries with “standard_unit == nM”
  3. Delete duplicates in molecule_chembl_id
  4. Rename Columns
# Delete Missing values
bioactivities_df.dropna(axis=0, how="any", inplace=True)
print(f"DataFrame shape: {bioactivities_df.shape}")
DataFrame shape: (10419, 11)
bioactivities_df = bioactivities_df[bioactivities_df["standard_units"] == "nM"]
bioactivities_df.drop_duplicates("molecule_chembl_id", keep="first", inplace=True)
print(f"DataFrame shape: {bioactivities_df.shape}")
DataFrame shape: (6823, 11)
bioactivities_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

bioactivities_df.rename(columns={"standard_value": "IC50", "standard_units": "units"}, inplace=True)

activity_id assay_chembl_id assay_description assay_type molecule_chembl_id relation units IC50 target_chembl_id target_organism type
0 32260 CHEMBL674637 Inhibitory activity towards tyrosine phosphory... B CHEMBL68920 = nM 41.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
1 32267 CHEMBL674637 Inhibitory activity towards tyrosine phosphory... B CHEMBL69960 = nM 170.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
2 32680 CHEMBL677833 In vitro inhibition of Epidermal growth factor... B CHEMBL137635 = nM 9300.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
3 32770 CHEMBL674643 Inhibitory concentration of EGF dependent auto... B CHEMBL306988 = nM 500000.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50
4 32772 CHEMBL674643 Inhibitory concentration of EGF dependent auto... B CHEMBL66879 = nM 3000000.0 CHEMBL203 Homo sapiens IC50

Fetch compound data (molecule_chembl_id) from ChEMBL

molecule_chembl_id = list(bioactivities_df["molecule_chembl_id"])

compounds_provider = compounds_api.filter(molecule_chembl_id__in = molecule_chembl_id).only("molecule_chembl_id", "molecule_structures")
compounds = list(tqdm(compounds_provider))
compounds_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(compounds)
print(f"DataFrame shape: {compounds_df.shape}")
100%|██████████| 6823/6823 [06:32<00:00, 17.37it/s]

DataFrame shape: (6823, 2)

molecule_chembl_id molecule_structures
0 CHEMBL6246 {'canonical_smiles': 'O=c1oc2c(O)c(O)cc3c(=O)o...
1 CHEMBL10 {'canonical_smiles': 'C[S+]([O-])c1ccc(-c2nc(-...
2 CHEMBL6976 {'canonical_smiles': 'COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncn(C)...
3 CHEMBL7002 {'canonical_smiles': 'CC1(COc2ccc(CC3SC(=O)NC3...
4 CHEMBL414013 {'canonical_smiles': 'COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncnc(O...

Preprocess and filter compound data

  1. Remove entries with missing entries
  2. Delete duplicate molecules (by molecule_chembl_id)
  3. Get molecules with canonical SMILES
compounds_df.dropna(axis=0, how="any", inplace=True)
compounds_df.drop_duplicates("molecule_chembl_id", keep="first", inplace=True)
# Check molecule_structures column
{'canonical_smiles': 'O=c1oc2c(O)c(O)cc3c(=O)oc4c(O)c(O)cc1c4c23',
 'molfile': '\n     RDKit          2D\n\n 22 25  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000\n   -0.4750   -0.2417    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    0.5750    0.3583    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -0.4750   -1.4792    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    0.5750    1.6000    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -1.5333    0.3583    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    1.6292   -0.2417    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    0.5750   -2.0875    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -0.4750    2.2083    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -1.5333    1.6000    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    1.6292   -1.4792    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    1.6292    2.2083    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -1.5333   -2.0875    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -2.5833   -0.2417    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    2.6792    0.3583    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -2.5833   -1.4500    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    2.6792    1.5625    0.0000 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -2.5625    2.2208    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    2.6625   -2.1042    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    1.6292    3.4000    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -1.5333   -3.2917    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -3.6375   -2.0125    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    3.7375    2.1208    0.0000 O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n  2  1  1  0\n  3  1  1  0\n  4  2  2  0\n  5  1  2  0\n  6  2  1  0\n  7  3  1  0\n  8  9  1  0\n  9  5  1  0\n 10  7  1  0\n 11  4  1  0\n 12  3  2  0\n 13  5  1  0\n 14  6  2  0\n 15 13  2  0\n 16 14  1  0\n 17  9  2  0\n 18 10  2  0\n 19 11  1  0\n 20 12  1  0\n 21 15  1  0\n 22 16  1  0\n 12 15  1  0\n  4  8  1  0\n  6 10  1  0\n 11 16  2  0\nM  END\n> <chembl_id>\nCHEMBL6246\n\n> <chembl_pref_name>\nundefined',
 'standard_inchi': 'InChI=1S/C14H6O8/c15-5-1-3-7-8-4(14(20)22-11(7)9(5)17)2-6(16)10(18)12(8)21-13(3)19/h1-2,15-18H',
 'standard_inchi_key': 'AFSDNFLWKVMVRB-UHFFFAOYSA-N'}
dict_keys(['canonical_smiles', 'molfile', 'standard_inchi', 'standard_inchi_key'])
# Keep only canonical_smiles
canonical_smiles = []

for i, compounds in compounds_df.iterrows():
    except KeyError:

compounds_df["smiles"] = canonical_smiles
(6816, 3)

molecule_chembl_id molecule_structures smiles
0 CHEMBL6246 {'canonical_smiles': 'O=c1oc2c(O)c(O)cc3c(=O)o... O=c1oc2c(O)c(O)cc3c(=O)oc4c(O)c(O)cc1c4c23
1 CHEMBL10 {'canonical_smiles': 'C[S+]([O-])c1ccc(-c2nc(-... C[S+]([O-])c1ccc(-c2nc(-c3ccc(F)cc3)c(-c3ccncc...
2 CHEMBL6976 {'canonical_smiles': 'COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncn(C)... COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncn(C)c(=O)c1C2
3 CHEMBL7002 {'canonical_smiles': 'CC1(COc2ccc(CC3SC(=O)NC3... CC1(COc2ccc(CC3SC(=O)NC3=O)cc2)CCCCC1
4 CHEMBL414013 {'canonical_smiles': 'COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncnc(O... COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncnc(O)c1C2
# Are there missing smiles?

molecule_chembl_id molecule_structures smiles
compounds_df.drop("molecule_structures", axis=1, inplace=True)

molecule_chembl_id smiles
0 CHEMBL6246 O=c1oc2c(O)c(O)cc3c(=O)oc4c(O)c(O)cc1c4c23
1 CHEMBL10 C[S+]([O-])c1ccc(-c2nc(-c3ccc(F)cc3)c(-c3ccncc...
2 CHEMBL6976 COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncn(C)c(=O)c1C2
3 CHEMBL7002 CC1(COc2ccc(CC3SC(=O)NC3=O)cc2)CCCCC1
4 CHEMBL414013 COc1cc2c(cc1OC)Nc1ncnc(O)c1C2

Merge dataframes

Index(['activity_id', 'assay_chembl_id', 'assay_description', 'assay_type',
       'molecule_chembl_id', 'relation', 'units', 'IC50', 'target_chembl_id',
       'target_organism', 'type'],
Index(['molecule_chembl_id', 'smiles'], dtype='object')
print(f"Bioactivities filtered: {bioactivities_df.shape[0]}")
print(f"Compounds filtered: {compounds_df.shape[0]}")
Bioactivities filtered: 6823
Compounds filtered: 6816
# Merge DataFrames
output_df = pd.merge(
    bioactivities_df[["molecule_chembl_id", "IC50", "units"]],

# Reset row indices
output_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

print(f"Dataset with {output_df.shape[0]} entries.")
Dataset with 6816 entries.
molecule_chembl_id     object
IC50                  float64
units                  object
smiles                 object
dtype: object

molecule_chembl_id IC50 units smiles
0 CHEMBL68920 41.0 nM Cc1cc(C)c(/C=C2\C(=O)Nc3ncnc(Nc4ccc(F)c(Cl)c4)...
1 CHEMBL69960 170.0 nM Cc1cc(C(=O)N2CCOCC2)[nH]c1/C=C1\C(=O)Nc2ncnc(N...
2 CHEMBL137635 9300.0 nM CN(c1ccccc1)c1ncnc2ccc(N/N=N/Cc3ccccn3)cc12
3 CHEMBL306988 500000.0 nM CC(=C(C#N)C#N)c1ccc(NC(=O)CCC(=O)O)cc1
4 CHEMBL66879 3000000.0 nM O=C(O)/C=C/c1ccc(O)cc1
5 CHEMBL77085 96000.0 nM N#CC(C#N)=Cc1cc(O)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-]
6 CHEMBL443268 5310.0 nM Cc1cc(C(=O)NCCN2CCOCC2)[nH]c1/C=C1\C(=O)N(C)c2...
7 CHEMBL76979 264000.0 nM COc1cc(/C=C(\C#N)C(=O)O)cc(OC)c1O
8 CHEMBL76589 125.0 nM N#CC(C#N)=C(N)/C(C#N)=C/c1ccc(O)cc1
9 CHEMBL76904 35000.0 nM N#CC(C#N)=Cc1ccc(O)c(O)c1

Convert IC50 to pIC50

def convert_ic50_to_pic50(IC50_value):
    pIC50_value = 9 - math.log10(IC50_value)
    return pIC50_value

# Apply conversion to each row of the compounds DataFrame
output_df["pIC50"] = output_df.apply(lambda x: convert_ic50_to_pic50(x.IC50), axis=1)

molecule_chembl_id IC50 units smiles pIC50
0 CHEMBL68920 41.0 nM Cc1cc(C)c(/C=C2\C(=O)Nc3ncnc(Nc4ccc(F)c(Cl)c4)... 7.387216
1 CHEMBL69960 170.0 nM Cc1cc(C(=O)N2CCOCC2)[nH]c1/C=C1\C(=O)Nc2ncnc(N... 6.769551
2 CHEMBL137635 9300.0 nM CN(c1ccccc1)c1ncnc2ccc(N/N=N/Cc3ccccn3)cc12 5.031517
3 CHEMBL306988 500000.0 nM CC(=C(C#N)C#N)c1ccc(NC(=O)CCC(=O)O)cc1 3.301030
4 CHEMBL66879 3000000.0 nM O=C(O)/C=C/c1ccc(O)cc1 2.522879
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'pIC50'}>]], dtype=object)


add a column for RDKit molecule objects

# Add molecule column
PandasTools.AddMoleculeColumnToFrame(output_df, smilesCol="smiles")
# Sort molecules by pIC50
output_df.sort_values(by="pIC50", ascending=False, inplace=True)

# Reset index
output_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

#output_df.drop("smiles", axis=1).head(10)

molecule_chembl_id IC50 units smiles pIC50 ROMol
0 CHEMBL63786 0.003 nM Brc1cccc(Nc2ncnc3cc4ccccc4cc23)c1 11.522879 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769d6810>
1 CHEMBL53711 0.006 nM CN(C)c1cc2c(Nc3cccc(Br)c3)ncnc2cn1 11.221849 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769cdfc0>
2 CHEMBL35820 0.006 nM CCOc1cc2ncnc(Nc3cccc(Br)c3)c2cc1OCC 11.221849 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769c1150>
3 CHEMBL53753 0.008 nM CNc1cc2c(Nc3cccc(Br)c3)ncnc2cn1 11.096910 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769c6dc0>
4 CHEMBL66031 0.008 nM Brc1cccc(Nc2ncnc3cc4[nH]cnc4cc23)c1 11.096910 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769c8350>
5 CHEMBL176582 0.010 nM Cn1cnc2cc3ncnc(Nc4cccc(Br)c4)c3cc21 11.000000 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769d66c0>
6 CHEMBL174426 0.025 nM Cn1cnc2cc3c(Nc4cccc(Br)c4)ncnc3cc21 10.602060 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769d6e30>
7 CHEMBL29197 0.025 nM COc1cc2ncnc(Nc3cccc(Br)c3)c2cc1OC 10.602060 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769c0dd0>
8 CHEMBL1243316 0.030 nM C#CCNC/C=C/C(=O)Nc1cc2c(Nc3ccc(F)c(Cl)c3)c(C#N... 10.522879 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769fa7a0>
9 CHEMBL363815 0.037 nM C=CC(=O)Nc1ccc2ncnc(Nc3cc(Cl)c(Cl)cc3F)c2c1 10.431798 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x1769dcb30>
output_df.to_csv(DATA / "EGFR_compounds.csv")

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