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GRU Regression for Molecular Property Prediction

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Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that was introduced by Cho et al. in 2014. It uses gating mechanisms to selectively update the hidden state of the network at each time step, allowing them to effectively model sequential data such as time series, natural language, and speech.

The network process sequential data by passing the hidden state from one time step to the next using gating mechanisms.



Using GRU for Regression on qm9 dataset.

import os
import re
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from import DataLoader, Dataset, Subset, TensorDataset
# Use cuda if available
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

# seed random generator
_ = torch.manual_seed(42)


QM9_CSV_URL = ""
df = pd.read_csv(QM9_CSV_URL)

mol_id smiles A B C mu alpha homo lumo gap ... zpve u0 u298 h298 g298 cv u0_atom u298_atom h298_atom g298_atom
0 gdb_1 C 157.71180 157.709970 157.706990 0.0000 13.21 -0.3877 0.1171 0.5048 ... 0.044749 -40.478930 -40.476062 -40.475117 -40.498597 6.469 -395.999595 -398.643290 -401.014647 -372.471772
1 gdb_2 N 293.60975 293.541110 191.393970 1.6256 9.46 -0.2570 0.0829 0.3399 ... 0.034358 -56.525887 -56.523026 -56.522082 -56.544961 6.316 -276.861363 -278.620271 -280.399259 -259.338802
2 gdb_3 O 799.58812 437.903860 282.945450 1.8511 6.31 -0.2928 0.0687 0.3615 ... 0.021375 -76.404702 -76.401867 -76.400922 -76.422349 6.002 -213.087624 -213.974294 -215.159658 -201.407171
3 gdb_4 C#C 0.00000 35.610036 35.610036 0.0000 16.28 -0.2845 0.0506 0.3351 ... 0.026841 -77.308427 -77.305527 -77.304583 -77.327429 8.574 -385.501997 -387.237686 -389.016047 -365.800724
4 gdb_5 C#N 0.00000 44.593883 44.593883 2.8937 12.99 -0.3604 0.0191 0.3796 ... 0.016601 -93.411888 -93.409370 -93.408425 -93.431246 6.278 -301.820534 -302.906752 -304.091489 -288.720028

5 rows × 21 columns

  const buttonEl =
    document.querySelector('#df-95294609-7e3b-4898-84cb-d8bc8f82e6e2 button.colab-df-convert'); =
    google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

  async function convertToInteractive(key) {
    const element = document.querySelector('#df-95294609-7e3b-4898-84cb-d8bc8f82e6e2');
    const dataTable =
      await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                [key], {});
    if (!dataTable) return;

    const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
      '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
      + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
    element.innerHTML = '';
    dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
    await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
    const docLink = document.createElement('div');
    docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;

class SmilesTokenizer(object):
    A simple regex-based tokenizer adapted from the deepchem smiles_tokenizer package.
    SMILES regex pattern for the tokenization is designed by Schwaller et. al., ACS Cent. Sci 5 (2019)

    def __init__(self):
        self.regex_pattern = (
        self.regex = re.compile(self.regex_pattern)

    def tokenize(self, smiles):
        Tokenizes SMILES string.
        tokens = [token for token in self.regex.findall(smiles)]
        return tokens
def build_vocab(smiles_list, tokenizer, max_vocab_size):
    Builds a vocabulary of N=max_vocab_size most common tokens from list of SMILES strings.
    Dict[str, int]
        A dictionary that defines mapping of a token to its index in the vocabulary.
    tokenized_smiles = [tokenizer.tokenize(s) for s in smiles_list]
    token_counter = Counter(c for s in tokenized_smiles for c in s)
    tokens = [token for token, _ in token_counter.most_common(max_vocab_size)]
    vocab = {token: idx for idx, token in enumerate(tokens)}
    return vocab

def smiles_to_ohe(smiles, tokenizer, vocab):
    Transforms SMILES string to one-hot encoding representation.
    Returns - Tensor
    unknown_token_id = len(vocab) - 1
    token_ids = [vocab.get(token, unknown_token_id) for token in tokenizer.tokenize(smiles)]
    ohe = torch.eye(len(vocab))[token_ids]
    return ohe
# Test above functions
tokenizer = SmilesTokenizer()

smiles = "C=CS"
print("SMILES string:\n\t", smiles)
print("Tokens:\n\t", ", ".join(tokenizer.tokenize(smiles)))
vocab = build_vocab([smiles], tokenizer, 3)
print("Vocab:\n\t", vocab)
print("One-Hot-Enc:\n", np.array(smiles_to_ohe(smiles, tokenizer, vocab)).T)
SMILES string:
     C, =, C, S
     {'C': 0, '=': 1, 'S': 2}
 [[1. 0. 1. 0.]
 [0. 1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 1.]]

PreProcess Data

sample_size = 50000
n_train = 40000
n_test = n_val = 5000

# get a sample
df = df.sample(n=sample_size, axis=0, random_state=42)

# select columns from the data frame
smiles = df["smiles"].tolist()
y = df["mu"].to_numpy()

# build a vocab using the training data
max_vocab_size = 30
vocab = build_vocab(smiles[:n_train], tokenizer, max_vocab_size)
vocab_size = len(vocab)

# transform smiles to one-hot encoded tensors and apply padding
X = pad_sequence(
    sequences=[smiles_to_ohe(smi, tokenizer, vocab) for smi in smiles],
# normalize the target using the training data
train_mean = y[:n_train].mean()
train_std = y[:n_train].std()
y = (y - train_mean) / train_std

Build Dataset

# build dataset
data = TensorDataset(X, torch.Tensor(y))

# define loaders
ids_train = np.arange(n_train)
ids_val = np.arange(n_val) + n_train
ids_test = np.arange(n_test) + n_train + n_val
train_loader = DataLoader(
    Subset(data, ids_train),
val_loader = DataLoader(
    Subset(data, ids_val), batch_size=64, shuffle=True, generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(42)
test_loader = DataLoader(
    Subset(data, ids_test),

Build Model

class GRURegressionModel(nn.Module):
    """GRU network with one recurrent layer"""

    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size=32, num_layers=1):
        GRU network

        input_size : int
            The number of expected features in the input vector
        hidden_size : int
            The number of features in the hidden state

        super(GRURegressionModel, self).__init__()
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.2)

    def forward(self, x):
        h0 = torch.zeros(self.num_layers, x.size(0), self.hidden_size).to(device)
        out, hn = self.gru(x, h0)
        out = out[:, -1]
        out = self.dropout(out)
        out = self.fc(out)
        return out

Training Class

class ModelTrainer(object):
    """A class that provides training and validation infrastructure for the model and keeps track of training and validation metrics."""

    def __init__(self, model, lr, name=None, clip_gradients=False):

        model : nn.Module
            a model
        lr : float
            learning rate for one training step

        self.model = model = lr
        self.criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
        self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),
        self.clip_gradients = clip_gradients

        self.train_loss = []
        self.batch_loss = []
        self.val_loss = []

    def _train_epoch(self, loader):
        epoch_loss = 0
        batch_losses = []
        for i, (X_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(loader):
            X_batch, y_batch =,
            y_pred = self.model(X_batch)
            loss = self.criterion(y_pred, y_batch.unsqueeze(1))

            if self.clip_gradients:
                torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), max_norm=1, norm_type=2)

            epoch_loss += loss.item()

        return epoch_loss / len(loader), batch_losses

    def _eval_epoch(self, loader):
        val_loss = 0
        predictions = []
        targets = []
        with torch.no_grad():
            for X_batch, y_batch in loader:
                X_batch, y_batch =,
                y_pred = self.model(X_batch)
                loss = self.criterion(y_pred, y_batch.unsqueeze(1))
                val_loss += loss.item()

        predictions = np.concatenate(predictions).flatten()
        targets = np.concatenate(targets).flatten()
        return val_loss / len(loader), predictions, targets

    def train(self, train_loader, val_loader, n_epochs, print_every=10):
        Train the model

        train_loader :
            a dataloader with training data
        val_loader :
            a dataloader with training data
        n_epochs :
            number of epochs to train for
        for e in range(n_epochs):
            train_loss, train_loss_batches = self._train_epoch(train_loader)
            val_loss, _, _ = self._eval_epoch(test_loader)
            self.batch_loss += train_loss_batches
            if e % print_every == 0:
                print(f"Epoch {e+0:03} | train_loss: {train_loss:.5f} | val_loss: {val_loss:.5f}")

    def validate(self, val_loader):
        Validate the model

        val_loader :
            a dataloader with training data

        Tuple[list, list, list]
            Loss, y_predicted, y_target for each datapoint in val_loader.
        loss, y_pred, y_targ = self._eval_epoch(val_loader)
        return loss, y_pred, y_targ
model_gru = ModelTrainer(
    model=GRURegressionModel(vocab_size, hidden_size=32),
model_gru.train(train_loader, val_loader, 51)
Epoch 000 | train_loss: 0.71333 | val_loss: 0.55967
Epoch 010 | train_loss: 0.44784 | val_loss: 0.43269
Epoch 020 | train_loss: 0.40651 | val_loss: 0.39215
Epoch 030 | train_loss: 0.37712 | val_loss: 0.37454
Epoch 040 | train_loss: 0.35705 | val_loss: 0.36291
Epoch 050 | train_loss: 0.33840 | val_loss: 0.35006

Loss Checking and Evaluation

_ = plt.plot(model_gru.train_loss, label=f"GRU train")
_ = plt.plot(model_gru.val_loss, label=f"GRU val")
_ = plt.xlabel("epoch")
_ = plt.ylabel("MSE")
_ = plt.legend()


Reference: Talktorial on Cheminformatics: T034 by Volkamer Lab

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