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Abseil flags

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Abseil Python Library

While working on one of python projects, I encountered abseil python library. I found out absl.flags quiet interesting. It provides easy way for argument processing and replaces getopt() and optparse. One is able to provide default values and also auto-generate help documents.

from absl import flags
from absl import app

# Flag names are globally defined!
flags.DEFINE_integer('job_id', 32, 'Job ID.', lower_bound=0)
flags.DEFINE_string('data_dir', None, 'Path to data directory.')
flags.DEFINE_string('output_dir', None, 'Path to a directory that will '
                    'store the results.')
flags.DEFINE_enum('job_name', 'production',
                  ['production', 'test'],
                  'Choose  job configuration - '
                  'smaller test job database (test) '
                  'or full production run (production)')



def main(argv):
    num_nodes = 8 if FLAGS.job_name == "test" else 32
    print(f"You are runing a {FLAGS.job_name} job with {num_nodes} nodes")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Runing without arguments:


FATAL Flags parsing error:
  flag --output_dir=None: Flag --output_dir must have a value other than None.
  flag --data_dir=None: Flag --data_dir must have a value other than None.
Pass --helpshort or --helpfull to see help on flags.

To see help documentation

python --help

  --data_dir: Path to data directory.
  --job_id: Job ID.
    (default: '32')
    (a non-negative integer)
  --job_name: <production|test>: Choose  job configuration - smaller test job database (test) or full production run (production)
    (default: 'production')
  --output_dir: Path to a directory that will store the results.

And with the required arguments

python --output_dir="/home/user/out_dir" --data_dir="/home/user/data_dir/"

You are runing a production job with 32 nodes
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