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KL Divergence and Cross Entropy

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KL Divergence - Derivation by Intution

KL divergence, also known relative entropy, is a measure of how one probability distribution (say $Q$) differs from a reference probability distribution ($P$). It is a measure of the information lost when $Q(x)$ is used to approximate $P(x)$. The log can be base-2 to give units in “bits,” or the natural logarithm base-e with units in “nats.” When the divergence is 0, both distributions are identical.

if random variable $x \in X$, and the probabilities are $P(x)$ and $Q(x)$, one could naively write the difference as:

$$ P_\theta(x) - Q_\phi(x)$$

Taking log, to get log likelihood ratio:

$$log P_\theta(x) - log Q_\phi(x) = log \left( \frac{P_\theta(x)}{Q_\phi(x)} \right)$$

$\frac{P_\theta(x)}{Q_\phi(x)}$ is the likelihood ratio.

So, the Expected value of log likelihood ratio, which is the KL-Divergence, we weight it by the probability of reference distribution:

$$ D_{KL}[P_\theta || Q_\phi] = \sum_{x \in X} P_\theta(x)log \left( \frac{P_\theta(x)}{Q_\phi(x)} \right) $$

And it is straightforward to implement in python

def kl_divergence(p_probs, q_probs):
    """"KL (p || q)"""
    kl_div = p_probs * np.log(p_probs / q_probs)
    return np.sum(kl_div)

n = 15
uniform_data = np.full(n, 1.0 / n)

index = np.arange(n)
p =
binom_data = binom.pmf(index, n, p)

print("KL- Divergence is: ", kl_divergence(binom_data, uniform_data))
    KL- Divergence is :  0.6311103254079738

Forward KL

The difference between $P_\theta(x)$ and $Q_\phi(x)$ is weighted by $P_\theta(x)$. Generally, the Forward KL has a **mean seeking** behavior. It is used, indirectly, in cross entropy.

Reverse KL

The difference between $P_\theta(x)$ and $Q_\phi(x)$ is weighted by $Q_\phi(x)$. It has **mode seeking** behaviour and is used mainly in density estimation and variational inference.


JS Divergence

Jensen-Shannon Divergence is the weighted sum of KL Divergence - Forward and backward KL. It thus calculates a normalized score that is symmetrical. Thus, JS divergence is a metric and therefore is sometimes called Jenson-Shannon distance.

$$ D_{JS}(P || Q) = \frac{1}{2} D_{KL} \left(P || \frac{P+Q}{2} \right) + \frac{1}{2} D_{KL} \left(Q || \frac{P+Q}{2} \right) $$

It is not that popular as it requires to first calculate KL divergence. JS distance is used to solve the issues of KL divergence in high dimensional spaces. JS divergence is better behaved in the sense that it doesn’t become infinite when $P_\theta(x) = 0$.


When we expand Forward KL-Divergnece, we could write is as: $$ D_{KL}[P || Q] = \sum P(x)log(P(x)) - \sum P(x)log(Q(x)) $$ with the entropy term $$ H[P] = - \sum P(x)log(P(x)) $$ and cross entropy term $$ H[P,Q] = - \sum P(x)log(Q(x)) $$

So, we can summarize the relationship as $$ D_{KL}[P || Q] = H[P,Q] - H[P] $$

In supervised classification problems, lets say there are $K$ classes. With $y_{i}$ as the ground truth and hat $\hat{y_i}$ be the predicted class probabilties . The cross-entropy is $$ H[y_{i},\hat{y_i}] = - \sum_{i=1}^{K} y_i log\hat{y_i} $$

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